This is our son Seleck's last Christmas as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I couldn't be more proud of him and his choice to serve. He was the first one to issue our family the challenge to "Light the World" this holiday season. So we decided instead of our typical typical "count down" to Christmas advent calendar, we would do something in in Elder Rigby's honor.
So beginning today we joined the #lighttheworld team this Christmas. The challenge for Day 1 of the 25 ways in over 25 Days, comes from Matthew 10:8 "Freely ye have received, freely Give" by donating to the local food bank. We then hung a tie with American flag on it on our front yard tree. Attached to the flag is a cut out ornament (see the blog the Red Headed Hostess for your own free templates) with today's challenge on it! We will know it is Christmas when we have 25 ties on our tree.
I thought a tie with flags on it not only honors our son who is serving God on his mission for our church, but also honors those who have served our country and who are now serving our country, the United States of America. Elder Rigby's two great Grandfathers, Max Dickson Weaver and Francis LeBaron Leany fought in World War II. This tie is perfect for starting our own advent calendar this holiday!
Join the challenge with us and take back Christmas this year. Slow your pace down a little bit, sip some hot chocolate, reminisce with old friends, Serve others and spread the joy the Savior has to offer!
And if your passing by, hang a tie on our tree in honor of not only Elder Rigby but in honor of all the missionaries who are away from home this Christmas who not only "Light The World" this season but all year long!