I am the worst at New's Year's Resolutions. It's not that I don't have them. I just don't write them down. So here it is three days before the end of January, and I am like an "atheist in a foxhole.
Attend the temple weekly
Study the gospel Daily
Read more
Exercise daily- lift or walk
Binge less on Net flix
Write more
Hike More
Cook More
Smile more
Love More
My trip with Madsen this past fall really reminded me how much I love to see new things and feel alive. It was the PERFECT trip.
So here is my travel bucket list for 2025
Trip in March or April- Hawaii would be nice
End of school celebration trip
Nauvuoo and church sites in July
Elk Hunting in December
New York in December with Emma
Lifetime Bucket List
Return to Denmark
Serve a mission
Complete my Master's in English Literature
Kill a moose and an Elk
Build a Barndominium on Our Glenwood Property
Travel with my sisters
Visit European Ancestral Sites
Publish a book
Finish my Memoirs
And a little something...
The winter frowns with a frigid cold that seeps into my bones. There has been no snow. Today, a few wispy flakes fell from the morning sky, and I shouted Hallelujah! I stood at Kaeli's window and watched the snow fall lightly. I paused and took the moment in. And then the snow stopped.
Please if it is going to be this cold, send us snowflakes to roll into ball, build snowmen and race down the snow covered paths in sled. Let winter come with its icicles and blizzards. Let us pause at the window and shout Hallelujah. Help us to take the moment in!