I have always been drawn to books written about World War II. I remember the first book I read about this time period was Lois Lowry's Number the Stars. The book drew me in from the first page- I was hooked. Over the years, I have read books here and there about the war and I taught the Diary of Anne Frank to my 8th graders way back in 1997.
Fast forward a few years and I read The Book Thief- wow! Following that read, I couldn't read books fast enough about World War II. Soon there afterwards, I read Sarah's Key, My Brother's Voice, The Devil's Arithmetic,The Boy in Striped Pajamas, Code Breaker, Unbroken and Run Boy Run-- all great reads especially for young adults.
My connection to World War II runs deep. My grandfathers Leany and Weaver both served in the war, my parents were just six months old when Pearl Harbor was bombed, and my great Uncle Bernell Evans was with the troops that landed at Normandy on D-Day. He never forgot the scent of the lilacs on that day.
But my love for World War II literature was recently ignited when my very good friend loaned me her copy of The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. I devoured this book and then cried when I closed it on the last page. I was so sad to say good-bye to my all of my friends from Guernsey, Dawsey, Sidney, Isola, Elizabeth, Amelia, Eben, Will, Sophie, Remy, Juliet, and Kit. I dreamed about Guernsey and I was constantly asking myself, "Why am I not in Guernsey?"
It was my enchantment with this book which led to the forming of "The Guernsey Book Group" by myself and Juge. While we talk about other things, our friendship centers around book talk, the trading of books, and when shall we go to Guernsey?"
Over the course of the past three months, I have once again gone on a World War II reading binge. The books I have read include: We Were the Lucky Ones, The Nightingale, Lilac Girls, All the Light We Cannot See, The Tuscan Child, and Beneath a Scarlet Sky. Each one has been amazing! Each shares the stories of triumphant and heartache from various points of view and set in different geographical locations including Poland, France, Italy, United States, Spain, and Russia. Each is a celebration of the resiliency of the Human Spirit and each book I love.
These books now hold a piece of me- they have become my friends.
What's next on my WWII reading list? Kirstin Hannah's, "Winter Garden."
Can't wait to tell you about it!